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국민의힘 대변인 공식 논평 및 보도자료입니다.

두당연합은 종교인 분노에 이어 국가적 망신까지 방치할 것인가?[논평]
작성일 2012-04-06

  두당연합 후보인 민주통합당 노원갑 김용민 후보의 막말에 대한 사회적 파장이 온 사회를 뒤덮고 있다. 미 전직관료에 대한 성폭행 후 살해발언, 주말 저녁 지상파방송 음란영화 상영 발언에 이어 노인폄훼 발언까지 온 국민이 경악을 금치 못하고 있다.
  그런 가운데 국민일보 4.6일자에서 “한국교회는 범죄집단, 척결의 대상”, “누가 정권을 잡아도 무너질 개신교”, “음담패설을 일삼는 목사아들 돼지 김용민입니다.”라는 등 상식적으로 도저히 납득이 불가한 발언내용까지 알려졌다.
  게다가 이젠 싱가포르 유력 일간신문인 ASIAONE에 “Korean Opposition candidate under fire for obscene remark"라는 제목으로 기사내용에 살인마 유영철을 동원해 라이스를 성폭행 살해하자는 등 김 후보의 발언내용이 적나라하게 보도되었다. (기사내용첨부)

  김용민 후보는 여성을 모욕했다. 연세 드신 분들에 대해 무례한 말을 했다. 부친이 목사님인데도 기독교를 비하했다. 부모들은 그런 저질발언을 행여나 아이들이 들을까봐 걱정한다. 나아가 국가적 망신까지 사게 됐다.

  이제는 민주통합당과 통합진보당이 야합한 공천의 진면목이 얼마나 꼴불견인지 세계의 많은 이들까지 알게 되었다.

  “창피해서 못살겠다.” 이것이 국민의 생각인 것이다.


2012. 4. 6
새누리당 상근부대변인  장 덕 상


(첨부) http://news.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne%2BNews/Asia/Story/A1Story20120405-337850.html
Korean opposition candidate under fire for obscene remarks
By Bae Ji-sookThe Korea Herald/Asia News Network     Thursday, Apr 05, 2012
An opposition candidate has come under fire for joking about sexual violence eight years ago on a satirical Internet program.
Newspapers, politicians and citizens reproached him, with some urging him to quit the race and apologise.
According to an audio clip revealed on YouTube on Sunday, Kim Yong-min, a candidate for the main opposition Democratic United Party, made the remarks in 2004 during "Kim Gura/Hani's Plus 18," an online show.
When he was asked about anti-terrorism measures, he replied, "Let's release (serial killer) Yu Yeong-cheol and rape and kill (Condoleezza) Rice and kill Rumsfeld and Bush."
About measures to raise the low birthrate, he said: "Let the major broadcasters air porn films after midnight and on weekends to encourage shagging. Let's sell aphrodisiacs under the name of contraceptives."
Kim explained his comment was to satirise the sexual assaults conducted at the Guantanamo camp by the American military. The contraceptive comments, he said, were silly jokes to "encourage procreation, one of the utmost urgent issues the country is facing."
On Wednesday, he posted a video clip on his blog apologising for his remarks.
"It was eight years ago. I was immature and all the panelists of the talk show were competing to make the lewdest and the most vulgar jokes. There must be a lot more I have done wrong. I am sorry," he said.
"I have espoused progressivism as my political motto. But unfortunately, I have never really shown concern for women and gender equality. I have never reflected on women as a social minority group. From now on, I would like to keep those in mind."
The ruling Saenuri Party opened fire on Tuesday.
"There is no dignity, quality or morality in Kim. We do not believe the Democratic United Party should keep him as a candidate," its spokesman said in a press release.
Both conservatives and liberals chastised Kim online for his imprudent and sexist remarks.
Some of Kim's strongest allies also criticised him. The liberal scholar Cho Kuk of Seoul National University, who is currently heading Kim's sponsor group, said Kim should apologise profusely.
"What Kim did was clearly wrong and inappropriate. Kim should come out and apologise in person instead of throwing words online," he said.
Bestselling novelist Gong Ji-young, who previously called Kim "a person I would like to marry my daughter to," said she was appalled.
"I couldn't believe my ears. This was beyond common sense about women and their rights. I demand a sincere apology from Kim," she wrote on her Twitter.
Kim shot to the fame last year when he co-hosted "Naneun Ggomsuda," one of the world's most downloaded political podcast programs, which aims to reveal the "dirty laundry of the Lee Myung-bak administration." The DUP nominated Kim in the Nowon constituency in northern Seoul for the April 11 general election.